
grammar - general

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  • what's the date today?
    Today is the ..........
  • who does this shirt belong to?
    It's his.
  • What is the weather like today?
    Today is ........
  • Describe the weather in the picture
    It's cold and stormy. The wind is very strong.
  • What is he doing?
    He is climbing up the ladder
  • Name the uncountable items in this basket (there are 5)
    a carton of eggs, a bottle of oil, a bunch of bananas, bottle of milk and a loaf of bread
  • who is the tallest in your family? Who is the quietest in your family?
    ............. is the tallest and ......................... is the quietest.
  • what are some of the things you do in this room?
    we watch TV, entertain guests....
  • What do you do in your free time?
    I ......
  • In which year were you born?
    I was born in .......
  • what are some of the sports available in your school?
    we have tennis .....
  • What is the time?
    It's a quarter past 7.
  • Who is younger?
    The boy is younger than the old lady.
  • Whose Teddy is this?
    It's hers.
  • Where is the apple?
    The apple is in between the boxes
  • What are the seasons in Sri Lanka? What is the season now?
    The Dry Season and The Wet Season
  • Tell the directions to the nearest hospital
  • What time does school start? What time does school end?
    School starts at .............. and finishes at ................. .
  • How many ....... ?
    there are/is ....
  • Describe the weather in the picture
    It's bright and sunny.
  • What did you have for breakfast?
    I had ....
  • describe what your best friend looks like
    she is fair, tall, talkative, smart ....
  • what time do you wake up in the morning?
    I wake up at .....
  • where is the pencil?
    it's on the book.
  • What is he doing?
    He is walking across the road.
  • what did you do yesterday?
    I ....
  • Where is the train going?
    The train is going into the tunnel
  • when is your birthday?
    My birthday is on the ............
  • Where is the Toy Store?
    It's ......
  • What is the date tomorrow?
    Tomorrow is the ........
  • what do you like to do in your free time?
    I like to .....
  • Tell the directions from your house to your school
  • Who is stronger?
    Hulk is stronger than Wonderwoman
  • Where is the Supermarket?
    it's ....
  • What does your mother do in her free time?
    she ......
  • Name the uncountables
    a jug of milk, slices of bread and a wedge of cheese
  • what is the time?
    It's half past seven.
  • If you could have a pet, what would you like to have? why?
    i would like to have a dog because .....
  • What did you do today in the morning?
    I .......
  • what do you do on Mondays?
    I ......
  • Name 5 important places in your neighborhood