
The history of Language

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  • Which languages function as a means of communication in two or more countries of the world.
    - Pandemic languages
  • What is differentiation dialect?
    n differentiation dialects or languages develop towards obtaining different features in phonetic, grammatical structures and vocabulary to form new languages.
  • What does sociolinguistic aspect study?
    Sociolinguistic aspect deals with the problems of functioning of certain in the society.
  • What is Diglossia?
    In diglossia one of the two languages used in the country is more prefferable than the second one and some privileges are given to that language.
  • When is social variety observed?
    Social variety is observed in the following antinomies: men – women; old – young; educated – uneducated; urban – rural; white – black; colonial – Metropolita
  • What does language situation denote?
    denotes the quantity and functional value of the languages used in certain country or region.
  • How many types of factors are there inl language change?
    There are two types of factors of language change
  • What isPolylingual (multilingual) language ?
    Polylingual (multilingual) language situation In polylingual language situation more than two l
  • What is Destructive Language Policy ?
    observed in the following is carried out in the state: closing the school where the language is taught and where it is the language of teaching; closing the pa
  • Extra linguistic factors include...
    Extra linguistic factors of language change include: a) Geographical factors; b) Social factors; c) Temporal factors.
  • Genetically languages can be?
    related and non-related language
  • What is constructive language policy?
    Constructive Language Policy is observed when the state authorities promote the Language usage, increase, support and extend the language functions
  • When is territorial variety observed?
    erritorial variety is observed in the functioning of the language in different parts of the world: a
  • Intra linguistic factors of language change include:
    Phonetic,Spelling,Grammatical,Lexical Change, Stylictic change
  • What does The History of English language study?
    – deals with the problem of working out common features of the Germanic group of languages related to each other by the links of common origin.
  • How many types of language varieties are there?