
Waste Management

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  • the liquid that results when substances from the trash dissolve in water as rainwater percolates downward aka “garbage juice”
  • these use incineration to reduce waste
    waste-to-energy plants
  • nonliquid waste that comes from homes, institutions, and small businesses
    municipal solid waste (MSW)
  • substituting disposable goods with reusable ones is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • the type of landfill that has a liner to protect aquifers
    sanitary landfill
  • waste the comes from the production of consumer goods, mining, agriculture, and petroleum extraction and refining
    industrial waste
  • designing goods to last is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • Which two gases primarily make up landfill gas?
    methane and carbon dioxide
  • the type of landfill that has vermin and odors
    open air landfill
  • any unwanted material or substance that results from a human activity or process
  • this landfill is closest to us in NEPA
    Keystone Sanitary Landfill
  • using financial incentives is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • reducing the use of nonbiodegradable plastic is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • the most common type of landfill in the United States
    sanitary landfill
  • donating unwanted items is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • NIMBY stands for...
    not in my backyard
  • solid or liquid waste that is toxic, chemically reactive, flammable, or corrosive
    hazardous waste
  • the most common type of landfill in the world
    open air landfill
  • materials with ____ numbers are easiest to recycle
  • minimizing packaging is a way to...
    reduce waste
  • the conversion of organic waste into mulch or humus by decomposition
  • a controlled process in which mixed garbage is burned at very high temperatures