
expert cpe

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  • Can we fix the current computer system, or would it be better to start...............with a new system? (from the beginning, without using anything that already exists)
    from scratch
  • Engineering limitations rendered the goal ...............(unattainable task, ambition, etc. is one that is impossible to get)
  • Make sure all senior managers are .............. and involved in the internet strategy. ( to be or start to be involved in an activity)
    on board
  • The way this has been done is so simplistic that it is could generate quantitatively accurate predictions of behaviour.( adv that meansimpossible to imagine or think of)
  • You need to have be a fighter pilot.(to be very brave)
    nerves of steel
  • She......... a reputation for herself as a high-powered lawyer.(to create or obtain something that helps you by skillful activities)
    carved out
  • He couldn't make up his mind about what TV show to watch and switched ................from channel to channel(.n a way that shows you are finding it difficult to make a decision)
  • I'm so bored at work, I wish they'd give me something I could really ..................(to deal with something or become involved in something with great energy and enthusiasm)
    get my teeth into
  • Making contacts can help you get a ...............r when it comes to getting a job. (to enter a business or organization at a low level, but with a chance of being more successful in the future)
    foot in the door
  • Your last essay wasn't.......... /didn't come ........ (reaching an acceptable standard)
    up to scratch
  • He drives a.........., but we finally made a deal.(to strongly defend a position that is very much to your advantage when reaching an agreement)
    hard bargain
  • John's uncle ................, finding us a place to stay at the last minute. (to complete an activity successfully or to produce a good result, especially when you were not expected
    came up trumps
  • These ------------ models fail to acknowledge that there are many types of consumers. (the study of individuals and organizations and how they select and use products and services)
    consumer behavior
  • Various reasons are given for the ................... women hit in many professions. (a point after which you cannot go any further, usually in improving your position at work)
    glass ceiling
  • After four years of injury problems, the athlete remains ..........He is relentless.(still continuing to do something or enthusiastic about doing it despite a bad situatio):
  • We have all been through a steep ............ to master the new procedures. (the rate of a person's progress in gaining experience or new skills.)
    learning curve
  • He ......... resigned to his position the very same day he was appointed He seemed so bent on getting promoted Everyone was perplexed!
  • To me, his speech dealt inadequately and......... with the issue.(in a way that does not have a clear meaning or produce a decision)
  • The school has an impressive/strong ................ of getting its students into good universities.(all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past)
    track record
  • Giving online classes pushes many teachers beyond their__________ (a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested)
    comfort zones
  • To work as a consultant, you need considerable ............................ (skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business or politics)
    business and financial acumen
  • We want our students to hit _................ after they graduate.(to immediately work hard and successfully at a new activity)
    the ground running
  • The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its .........(an event to celebrate or introduce something new)
  • Market research can identify the extent and location of a particular ................ (a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed.)
    target market
  • Climate change appears to demand we put our electricity usage on a steep downward _________(a line that bends )
  • If someone has a good work ethic, they should move up ................ (a series of jobs from the lower paid with less responsibility to the highest paid with the most responsibility within a company or particular profession)
    the career ladder
  • Why bother arguing about such an ........... amount of money?(small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important)
  • The two sides finally ............... after weeks of negotiations.( to come to an agreement)
    struck a deal