
Holocaust Review

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  • What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
    Blamed Germany for WWI, made Germany's land and military smaller, made Germany pay large fines
  • What does genocide mean?
    A plan to murder a whole political, religious, cultural group or race of people.
  • Who was the Chancellor of Germany during WWII?
    Adolf Hitler
  • How many Jews were murdered in Auschwitz?
    one million
  • Many Jewish people were deported from their homes and sent to ghettos. What is a ghetto?
    An area of a city that was usually enclosed with a fence, wall, or wire where Jews were separated from other people
  • What year did the Holocaust end?
  • What is the "Final Solution"?
    The Nazis plan to destroy all of the Jews in Europe.
  • What was the death march?
    Jewish prisoners were forced to walk from one camp to another. Conditions were bad and many people died.
  • What happened on Kristallnacht?
    Jewish communities were attacked. Shops, houses, synagogues, and schools were destroyed and Jewish people were arrested.
  • What is this symbol called?
    Yellow star (or the Star of David)
  • What is one right the Nuremberg laws took away from Jewish people?
    The right to German citizenship, the right to marry (or have a relationship with) a German person, the right to work in government or news
  • Why was doctor Josef Mengele known as the "angel of death?"
    He experimented on people, often ending in their death
  • What is anti-Semitism?
    Prejudice and discrimination against Jews
  • Why did Jewish people wear a yellow star?
    They were forced to wear the start to show they were different from German people.
  • What is a concentration camp?
    Prison camps that held opponents of the Nazis, Jews, Roma, and other people.
  • What is the name of Hitler's book?
    "Mein Kampf" or "My Struggle"
  • What happened to people who were in the concentration camps?
    They starved, got sick, did slave labor, or were killed
  • What is a scapegoat?
    A person (or group) that takes the blame for something they didn't do.
  • What was the largest concentration camp (killing center)?
  • What plan or "tools" were used as part of the "Final Solution?"
    Concentration camps, killing centers, gas chambers
  • Why did Holocaust survivors still suffer after being liberated?
    They were physically weak, sick, and often had no family or home to return to
  • What is the Holocaust?
    The murder of many people, specifically Jews, by Nazis during WWII.
  • What is another name for Kristallnacht?
    "The Night of Broken Glass"
  • What are two problems Jewish people experienced when living in a ghetto?
    Little food, little water, lots of disease, crowded, no supplies, they could not leave