
IR 2.3-2.5 Week 15 Review

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  • Make a new sentence with the word "merit" (n)
    merit (n)
  • Abby teacher is very bad at keeping her _____ clean. She is embarrassed to have friends over because it is so messy.
    bedroom (n)
  • The students ______(d/ed) against Abby teachers rules about no phones in class.
    protest (v)
  • The _____ of the dog was so big that Abby teacher was very scared!
    size (n)
  • Make a new sentence with the word "stare" (v)
    stare (v)
  • "The elevator was broken so the students had to take the stairs to the first floor." Which way are the students going?
    downstairs (adv)
  • The ______ of the build was off limits to students. They were banned from going there!
    downstairs (adv)
  • Abby teacher ____(d/ed) at the students because she thought they were cheating on their tests.
    stare (v)
  • The students think Abby teacher is a very _____ person.
    weird (adj)
  • "It was very odd to see a tiger walking down the street." What is another word for "odd"?
    weird (adj)
  • An adult tree and baby tree have the ____ shape of leaves.
    same (adj)
  • The _____ of the cake looked like a fish! Cool!
    shape (n)
  • I love the ____ blue!
    color (n)
  • Many people say my dad and I look the _____.
    same (adj)
  • All of the students had very unique _____(s/es). Some were pink with sparkles and others were yellow with fish on them.
    backpack (n)
  • Make a new sentence with the word "color" (n)
    color (n)
  • Abby teacher was very angry with the students so they ______(d/ed) an apology.
    mumble (v)