
Native American Music

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  • Where was the Lakota tribe originally located?
  • What subjects are Native American music often about?
    the earth, stories of past warriors, history
  • What are medicine songs?
    songs sung to the spirits in order to heal somebody
  • What are work songs?
    songs that are sung while doing work, in order to pass the time and be more productive
  • About how many pitches re typically in a Native American song?
  • What are some examples of vocables?
    ya, daa, weh
  • Where do some Native American's believe that their music originally comes from?
    Spirits and animals taught the songs to them in their dreams.
  • What are vocables?
    untranslatable syllables
  • True or False: All the Native American tribes have some musical characteristics that are common among many of the tribes.
  • What are the 3 common Native American instruments?
    drums, rattles, flutes
  • In Native American music, the pitches usually go in which direction?
  • What are 2 types of Native American music?
    work songs, ceremonial dance music, songs to accompany games, medicine songs, lullabies