
Personality/ Preference? Appearance

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  • Katy - my brother/sister
    Who do you look like? [appearance]
  • Martha - serious and clever [진지한 / 영리한]
    What's she like? [personality]
  • Catherine and you - fishing
    What do you like? [preference]
  • Alex - chocolate pizza
    What does he like? [preference]
  • JinA - Budae Jjigae, 부대찌개
    What does Jina like eating for breakfast? [preference]
  • The students - talkative and lazy [말이 많은/게으른]
    What are the students like? [personality/character]
  • Lisa - cheerful and kind [쾌활한 / 친절한]
    What's Lisa like? [personality]
  • Incheon - new and growing
    What is your city like? [appearance/character]
  • Chaerim - American sports?
    Does Chaerim like American sports? / Do you like A.S.? [preference]
  • Hyunsook - extroverted and friendly [외향적인/친절한]
    What's Hyunsook like? [personality]
  • father - pizza
    Does your father like pizza? / What good does your father like? [preference]
  • Richard - straight gray hair and brown eyes
    What does Richard look like? [appearance]
  • Leo - fish or beef more?
    Do you like fish or meat more? [preference]
  • Robert and Tania - young and good looking
    What do they look like? [appearance]
  • The hotel - clean and comfortable [편안한]
    What's the hotel like? [appearance/character]
  • South Korea - hot summers and mild winters
    What is the climate in your country like? [character]
  • John - chocolate
    What does [John] he like? [preference]