
American Revolution Era

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  • What act required colonists to house and feed British troops?
    Quartering Act
  • What is a loyalist?
    colonists who supported the British and the king during the American Revolution
  • What is Abigail Adams remembered for?
    She said "Remember the ladies" in a letter to her husband asking for women's rights
  • What pamphlet persuaded colonists to support independence from England? Who wrote it?
    Common Sense written by Thomas Paine
  • What was the last battle of the American Revolution?
  • What organizations circulated petitions and kept the colonies informed about British actions?
    The committees of correspondence
  • What cause of the American Revolution is considered to be an example of civil disobedience?
    Boston Tea Party
  • Why did England begin taxing the colonies?
    To pay for the debt acquired from the French & Indian War
  • What act placed a tax on paint, lead, paper and tea?
    Townshend Acts
  • What are the 3 unalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?
    life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
  • What is salutary neglect?
    Policy by which England left the colonies alone to rule themselves
  • What treaty ended the American Revolution?
    Treaty of Paris 1783
  • What is a tyrant?
    a cruel or unjust ruler who abuses their power (ex. King George III)
  • Who was Samuel Adams?
    A patriot who was the leader and founder of the Sons of Liberty
  • What act placed a tax on sugar and molasses?
    Sugar Act
  • How did England respond to the Boston Tea Party?
    They issued the Coercive (Intolerable Acts)
  • Who was the French volunteer who helped the Continental Army?
    Marquis de Lafayette
  • Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • What is a grievance?
    a complaint
  • What did English law prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains?
    Proclamation Act of 1763
  • What is a militia?
    an army of citizens who serve as soldiers in an emergency
  • What is a delegate?
    a person chosen or elected to vote or act for others
  • What battle is known as the turning point because the American victory resulted in the formation of an alliance with France?
  • According to the Declaration of Independence when can the people rebel against the government?
    When the government becomes destructive
  • What is a boycott?
    When you refuse to buy
  • In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote the phrase "consent of the governed". What does it refer to?
    That the power of the government comes from the people
  • What is an unalienable right?
    a natural right that you are born with that cannot be taken away
  • Who was the commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?
    George Washington
  • Who was the first person killed during the Boston Massacre?
    Crispus Attucks
  • What is a patriot?
    Colonists who supported independence from England
  • What were the first battles of the American Revolution?
    Lexington & Concord
  • What is the significance of the date July 4, 1776?
    the 13 colonies announce their independence from England
  • Who was the king of England during the American Revolution?
    George III
  • Where did the Continental Army endure a difficult winter and received valuable training?
    Valley Forge
  • What event occurred on March 5, 1770 and resulted in the death of 5 colonists including Crispus Attucks?
    Boston Massacre
  • What term did colonists use to refer to the British economic policies following the French and Indian war?
    Taxation without representation
  • Who wrote Common Sense and the Crisis?
    Thomas Paine
  • What was the First Continental Congress?
    A meeting of the colonies in Philadelphia to discuss a response to the Intolerable Acts?
  • What were some of the causes of the American Revolution? Give at least 4
    taxation without representation, Quartering Act, Proclamation Act, lack of representation in Parliament, Boston Massacre, mercantilism, Intolerable Acts,
  • Who was the patriot speaker famous for giving the speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"?
    Patrick Henry
  • What Englishmen's views did Jefferson borrow to include in the Declaration of Independence?
    John Locke's views of natural rights