
Comparative and superlative adjectives

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  • Cheetah is (fast) animal in the world.
    the fastest
  • The spider___ ____ ______________ (dangerous) _____ the snake.
    is as dangerous as
  • Jason (funny) student in my class.
    the funniest
  • This supermarket is (good) that small shop.
    better than
  • Kittens are (cute) calves.
    cuter than
  • Dogs are (friendly) cats.
    friedlier than
  • This cafe serves (good) coffee in the city.
    the best
  • Cars are (expensive) bikes.
    more expensive than
  • The giraffe is (tall) the elephant.
     taller than
  • This building is (modern) in my town.
    the most modern
  • My understanding of Geography is (deep) yours.
  • Football is (exciting) chess.
    more exciting than
  • There cat is ________________ (big) for the box. The box is ____ _____ (big)_______ for the cat.
    too big; not big enough
  • This shopping bag is (bad) in the shop. It's too small and too expensive.
    the worst
  • His second book is (bad) his first book.
    worse than
  • The burger ____ ___ ____ _______ (healthy) ____ the salad.
    is not as healthy as
  • I think shopping is (boring) activity!
    the most boring