
The Pet Game

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  • Dogs wear a coat in winter
    Dogs don't wear a coat in winter
  • A hamster eats egg
    A hamster doesn't eat eggs
  • Dogs can fly
    Dogs can't fly
  • Birds sing at night
    Birds don't sing at night
  • Fish are noisy pets
    Fish aren't noisy pets
  • Tortoises are more playful than dogs
    Tortoses aren't more playful than dogs
  • Horses eat meat
    Horses don't eat meat
  • Snakes play with dogs
    Snakes don't play with dogs
  • A pet goes to hospital to have a baby
    A pet doesn't go to hospital to have a baby
  • Pets always sleep in the house
    Pets don't always sleep in the house
  • Rabbits can swim
    Rabbits can't swim
  • A mouse is a very large pet
    A mouse isn't a very large pet
  • Cats drink lemonade
    Cats don't drink lemonade
  • Cats can speak English
    Cats can't speak English
  • A tortoise can run very fast
    A tortoise can't run ver fast
  • Spiders eat dogs
    Spiders don't eat dogs
  • People take their cats for walks
    People don't take their cats for walks
  • Snakes can hop
    Snakes can't hop