
Emotions and Coping

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  • What does the Prefrontal Cortex part of your brain help with?
    Thinking and making good choices
  • Name two coping strategies that work for you.
    answers will vary
  • Explain why you might have a hard time stopping to think when you're in the red zone.
    You flip your lid.
  • Why does taking a deep breath calm you down?
    it calms the adrenaline down.
  • Name a feeling in the Blue Zone.
    Sad, Tired, Low Energy
  • Explain how you're body might feel if you're in the Green Zone.
    Calm, relaxed, ready
  • What is the Amygdala part of your brain responsible for?
  • Name a feeling in the Green Zone.
    happy, calm
  • Explain how your body might feel if you're in the Red Zone.
    hear racing, face red, tight face, clenched fist
  • When you flip your lid, what is happening in your brain.
    Your amygdala is taking over.