
Animals and Comparatives

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  • "Elephants have the _________ (superlative) ears I have ever seen!"
    elephants have the biggest ears I have ever seen
  • Describe this animal
    It is grey, it has big ears and a long trunk
  • A lion is (fast/slow) ___________ than a zebra
    A lion is faster than a bear
  • A giraffe is (tall/short) than a zebra
     A giraffe is taller than a zebra
  • (someone's name) is the ______ (young) in the class
    _________ is the youngest in the class
  • A giraffe is (fast/slow) than ___________ an elephant
    A giraffe is faster than an elephant
  • Which animal is shorter: a monkey, a snake, or a crocodile (answer in superlative form)
    A snake is the shortest
  • A lion is (light/heavy) than a zebra
    A lion is heavier than a zebra
  • A bear is (fast/slow) ______ than a elephant
    A bear is faster than an elephant
  • An Elephant is (big/small)__________ than a kangaroo
    An elephant is bigger than a kangaroo
  • Who is the tallest in the class?
    _______ is the tallest in the class
  • what animal is this
    A Snake
  • Which animal is the heaviest: a zebra, a kangaroo, or a lion?
    A lion is the heaviest
  • "Sevilla is the ___________ place I have ever lived. It never rains!"
    Sevilla is the sunniest place I have ever lived
  • Sevilla is (hot/cold)___________ Antartica
    Seville is hotter than Antartica
  • What animal is this? Describe 3 characteristics 
    A Zebra (it is black and white, it lives in hot places, it has a furry tail)
  • Sevilla is (sunny/rainy) __________ London
    Sevilla is sunnier than London
  • What animal is this? Describe it. 
    A Kangeroo, it is good at jumping, it is furry, it is yellow
  • what animal is this
    A Bear
  • What animal is this?
    A Crocodile
  • elephant ears are (big/small) _______ giraffe ears
    Elephant ears are bigger than giraffe ears
  • What animal is this?
    A Camel
  • What animal is this?
    A Monkey
  • (someone's name) is the __________ (old) in the class
    _________ is the oldest in the class
  • What animal is this?
    A Lion
  • "I am the ___________ (tall, superlative) in the class"
    I am the tallest in the class