
Sprout 2, A3, L4

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  • Who does "them" refer to?
    Tom and Charlotte
  • Who volunteered to help clean the city?
    Many students
  • If they work together what can they do?
    Make the town better than ever.
  • What did Tom say was in the middle of the street?
    A park bench
  • Why did Tom and Charlotte raise their hands?
    To volunteer to clean the city
  • Who were busy cleaning the parks?
    Sprout 2 students
    Vena and Cupie
    The city
    Garbage collectors
  • What is that main idea?
    Helping clean up the town
  • What caused a lot of damage in the town?
    A tornado
  • Why did the city need volunteers?
    To clean up the city
  • What arent there enough city workers to do?
    A big job (clean the city)
  • What were the city busy doing?
    fixing the water and power