
Cities in the sea

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  • What is the main purpose of the article?
    The main purpose of the article is to explain why coral reefs are important.
  • If something attracts people, it has features that cause people to ______________.
    come to it
  • What are polyps?
    Polyps are tiny organisms that form the structure of coral reefs.
  • How coral reefs help protect coasts?
    Coral reefs help protect coasts by slowing down waves.
  • What does the author say about the chemicals from reef creatures?
    They help scientists create new medicines.
  • When you damage an object, you _______________ it.
    break or destroy
  • When you warn someone about something, you tell them that something _______ may happen.
  • If something remains, it _______________.
    continues to exist
  • Things that are threatening the health of coral reefs are . . .
    1). People catch too many reef fish and often damage the reefs. 2). Polluted water as a certain type of algae grows in dirty water. 3). Global warming
  • Things that are popular are enjoyed by _______ people.
  • A lake which is shallow is _____________ .
    not deep
  • What does the helpful type of algae give corals?
    The helpful type of algae gives corals their color.