
Dream Jobs

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  • I take my passengers to different places around the city, what am I?
    a taxi driver
  • (Qualities) A firefighter has to be ..........
    students own answer
  • I teach you, what am I?
    A teacher
  • (Qualities) A doctor has to be :..
    students own answer
  • (Qualities) An actor has to be.....
    students own answer
  • (Qualities) A vet has to be .........
    students own answer
  • I put out fire, what am I?
  • I am flying high, what am I?
    A pilot
  • I can show you around Barcelona, what am I?
    A tour guide
  • (Qualities) A computer programmer has to be.....
    students own answer
  • (Qualities) To be a teacher you need to be.....
    students answer
  • I design computer games, what am I?
    A computer programmer
  • (Qualities) A babysitter has to be.....
    students own answer
  • (Qualities) A fashion designer has to be................
    students own answer
  • I fix your car, what am I?
    A mechanic
  • I cook wonderful food, what am I?
    a chef
  • I perform on stage and on location, what am I?
    An actor
  • (Qualities) A doctor has to be..................
    students own answer
  • I help you feel better, what am I?
    A doctor
  • I design lots of clothes, what am I?
    a fashion designer