
Factors that influence the Weather in the UK

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  • Which coast of the UK recieves the most rainfall?
  • Do places in land have a higher or lower temperature range?
  • What does LARD stand for?
    Latitude, aspect, relief and distance from the sea
  • Which aspect receives the most sunlight through the day?
  • How does relief effect temperatures in the UK?
    The higher up you go, the colder it gets
  • How many degrees colder is Shetland than the north of England?
  • Which directions does the sun rise and set?
    East and west
  • How many degrees North is Shetland?
  • Which location would have lower temperatures? Why?
    Shetland because it is further North where the suns rays are less concentrated
  • Which location would have a lower temperature range?
    Location on the east because the sea moderates the temperatures throughout the year.
  • How many degrees colder does it get every 100m?
  • Explain why distance from the sea effects temperatures.
    The sea retains the heat a lot better than the land so the sea moderates temperatures throughout the year.
  • Which location would have more rainfall? Why?
    Location the west coast because of the wet weather coming across the Atlantic
  • Which aspect receives the least amount of sun light?