
Gerund/to infinitive

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  • Arthur thinks it's important (being / to be) on time for class.
    to be
  • Jenifer avoids (speaking / to speak) Portuguese with a Portuguese accent.
  • Before (cooking / to cook) the rice, measure it.
  • Elizeni told us how (making / to make) a cake.
    to make
  • Q: Why did Felipe come to this school? A: He came to this school (learning / to learn) English.
    to learn
  • Claudio is thinking of (visiting / to visit) a new country.
  • Maycon loves (speaking / to speak) English.
  • (Working / to work) at the weekend is normal for Apple.
  • Robson needs (winning / to win) the game.
    to win
  • Rebeca believes it's important (being / to be) happy now, not just in the future.
    to be
  • Claudio wants (going/to go) to the shop
    to go
  • Marci likes (listening / to listen) to music
    Listening (sometimes, people say 'to listen' but listening is more common).