
6a_Unit 4 speaking

  • The selected game type is invalid.
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  • What can we download? p. 38, WB
    a file
  • What can we activate? p. 38, WB
    a flight mode before our flight
  • What can we have? p. 38, WB
    a network coverage
  • What can we key in? p. 38, WB
    a password
  • What can we delete? p.38, WB
    a message
  • What kind of things do you usually post? Whay kind of things people usually post online?
    Students' answers in English:)
  • How often do you go online?
    Stidents' answers in English:)
  • Is it important to keep your password secure? why? why not?
    Students' answers in English
  • How often do you post something on social media?
    Students' answers in English
  • What can we post? p.38, WB
    a message
  • What can we upload? p.38, WB
    a photo
  • What does it mean to 'go online'?
    to use the Internet:)
  • What can we open? p. 38, WB
    an attachement
  • What can we install? see your Workbook, p. 38
    a program on the computer