
ECE Chapter 5 Vocab

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  • When a child protests because a familiar caregiver is leaving.
    Separation Anxiety
  • How actively invovled a child is with his or her environment
  • A tendency to feel distress.
  • When an infant attends to the same object as a caregiver. The caregiver provides verbal information... This helps with early language developement.
    Joint Attention
  • The strong emotional connection that develops between people.
  • Two word phrases. "Kitty Meow"
    Telegraphic Speech
  • an automatic body response to stimulus controlled by the lower brain centers that governs involuntary processes like heart rate and breathing.
  • The ability to understand another's behavior.
  • The order in child a child is able to perform new movements
    Motor Sequence
  • A shared system of meaning including values, beliefs and practices of a particular group.
  • The understanding that objects continue to exist even if the infant cannot see them... Peekaboo!
    Object Permanence
  • Modified gestures used to communicate with others before verbal communication.
    Baby Sign Language
  • Levels of movement in an infant
    Activity Pattern
  • Pointing to object that are wanted so others can get it for them.
    Preverbal Gestures
  • Watching someones behavior and then acting it out later. Seeing Mom on a cell phone and pretending a banana is a phone later
    Deferred imitation
  • A movement used by infants where they support their weight on ther hands and knees.C
  • The quality and intensity of a person's emotions.
  • Movement where the infants abdomen (belly) stays on the floor.
  • A single word and gesture combined to express a complete thought. Child points to the car and says "Go"