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  • Horse Feces 100x; Identify by common and scientific names
  • Biting Louse have _____ heads and Sucking Louse have ______ heads.
    Broad; Narrow
  • identify by common name and scientific names
    pseudoparasite; zinc sulfate crystals
  • a deep skin scrape can be used to find what?
    scrcpotic mange
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific name
    psoroptes ovis; bodymange/ scab mite
  • identify by common and scientific name and life stages
    cuterebra spp.; Warble; larvae, adult fly
  • identify by common and scientific names
    pseudoparasite; sodium nitrate crystals
  • identify by common and scientific names; swine feces 400x
    trichuris suis; swine whipworm
  • Identify this Large animal Pseudoparasite.
    Pine pollen or Mickey Mouse
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific name
    dermacentor variabilis; American dog tick
  • identify by common and scientific names; swine feces 400x
    isospora suis; swine coccidia
  • identify the most predominant parasite seen here; sheep feces 100x
    Haemonchus Contortus; Barber Pole Worm
  • identify by common and scientific names; swine feces 400x
    Ascaris suum; swine Roundworm
  • identify by scientific and common names as well as identifying characteristics.
    Trichuris Vulpris; whipworm; bipolar plugs, symmetrical
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics
    rhipicephalus sanguineus- brown dog tick; engorged females look a whiteish color, females larger than males
  • tick infestation is known as;
  • Identify this parasite by common and scientific name and identifying characteristics.
    Parascaris Equorum Equine Roundworm; can be corticated or decorticated
  • which test would you do to differentiate between d.immitis or a.reconditum?
    modified knots test
  • ixodes scapularis has ____ host.
  • identifying by common and scientific names as well as life stages
    demodex canis; red mange mite; egg, larval, nymph and adult (adult is a follicular mite)
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    myiasis; maggots
  • what is the name of this pseudoparasite?
    Pollen Grain
  • identify by common and scientific name: Ruminant feces 400x
    Moniezia Expansa; Ruminant Tapeworm
  • identify by common and scientific name as well as identifying characteristics and intermediate hosts.
    paragonimus kellicoti; lung fluke; one capillary plug, IH; snail then crayfish
  • ringworm is detected by conducting a test using _______ and will grow within ____ days
    DTM; 5-10
  • name this parasite by its common and scientific names
    otobius meginini; spinose ear tick
  • demodox have _____ life cycles, identify all
    4; egg, larva, nymph, adult
  • identify this external parasite on equine by common and scientific names
    haematopinus asini; sucking louse
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics/fun facts
    pthirus pubis; human crab louse; ANIMALS CAN NOT GET THS FROM HUMANS
  • insecta have ______ pair of legs and ___ pair of antennae.
  • identify by scientific and common names.
    Ancylostoma Caninum; Hookworks
  • pediculosis is the infestation of :
  • identify by common and scientific names; swine feces 400x
    Emeria suis; swine coccidia
  • Ixodidae means what?
    Hard tick/ have scutum
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as life stage and other fun facts:)
    Giardia- travelers diarrhea; trophozoite (monkey face), mobile stage; cyst: found using a direct smear method
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names
    ixodes scapularis; deer tick/black legged tick/ Lyme tick
  • the spinose ear tick lives in the ear canal and is a ____ tick meaning it has ______.
    soft; no scutum
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    culicoides/simulium; black flies; no-seeums / tiny blood sucking flies
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identify characteristics
    eucoleus aerophilus; lung worm; asymmetrical, plugs are smaller that tricuris culprits
  • identify by common and scientific names and where it is commonly found.
    notodres cati; feline head mange mite, found dead the cats head
  • Identify by common and scientific names: Equine feces 400x
    Oxyuris Equi; Equine Pinworm
  • Identify by common and scientific names; high power 400x equine
    Emeria Leukarit; Equine Coccidia; looks like watermelon seed
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying features.
    ixodes scapularis; black leg tick, Lyme tick, deer tick; VERY small!!!
  • identify by common name and scientific name as well as identifying characteristics
    cystoisospora canis/felis; coccidia; could be sporulated or unsporulated
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics
    amblyomma americanum- lone star tick; looks like one star on back, all red white and blue
  • what test is preformed to find larvae in fecal smaples
    baermann technique
  • identify by common and scientific names; Equine feces 400x
    Anoplocephala Magna; Equine Tapeworm
  • identify by common and scientific names.
    sarcoptes scabei; scabies or itch mange mite
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names
    amblyomma americanum; lone star tick
  • identify by common name
    budding yeast
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    stomoxys; stable flies/ haematobia; horn flies
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying features
    dermacenter variabilis- American dog tick; appears red white and blue ; females larger and males
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    hypodermic bovis; cattle warble or heel fly
  • Fresh Equine feces 400x: Identify by common and scientific names
    Strongyloides Westeri
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names; on fowl
    argus persicus; fowl tick
  • identify by common name
    dust mites
  • identify by scientific name and common name; on equine leg
    Gastrophilus Haemorrhoidalis/ Intestinalis; Bot Flies
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names; 100x
    scarcoptes scabei; scabies
  • this is a zoonotic disease but not a parasite
    fungal ringworm
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names
    rhipicephalus annulatus or microplus; Texas cattle fever tick
  • identify by common name and scientific name as well as identifying characteristics
    pearsonema plica; bladder worm, looks like trichuris or eucoleus but is found in urine
  • identify by common and scientific names
    ringworm; trichopyton menagrophytes
  • identify by common name and significance of seeing this.
    air bubble; means you are in correct plane of view.
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics
    trichodectes canis/felis; biting/chewing louse; head is broad like their body
  • identify by common and scientific names;
    dioctophyma renale; giant kidney worm
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names
    rhipicephalus sanguineus; brown dog tick
  • identify by common and scientific name
    ctenocephalides felis- flea; 4 life stages: egg, pupae, nymph, larvae, adult
  • Arachnidas have ____ pair of legs and ____ pair of antennae.
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    Scarcoptic Mange; itch mange mite
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics
    linognathus setosis; sucking louse; head is narrow compared to body
  • identify by common and scientific names.
    Strongyloides Stercoralis; threadneck worm or milk worm: FRESH feces, transmammary
  • identify by common and scientific name and identifying characteristics
    cryptosporidium; small oocysts
  • how do you recover fluke eggs from feces
  • identify by common and scientific names and where they are found on animal
    otodectes cynotis; ear mite; ears
  • identify by common and scientific names; identifying characteristics
    toxocara spp; cati or canis; roundworm; corticated shell; hardy
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    callitroga spp.; blow flies
  • identify by common and scientific names; Ruminant feces 100x
    Trichuris Vulpris; ruminant whipworm
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as fun facts!
    cheyletiella Blakei- feline, parasitovorax- rabbit, yasguri- dog; walking dandruff; visible to human eye and will look like animal has dandruff; tape prep
  • Identify this pseudoparasite.
    Plant Fibers
  • identify by common and scientific names
    Haematopinus Suis; Hog Sucking Louse
  • Argasidae means what?
    Soft tick/ no scutum
  • this external parasite lives in hair follicles, identify by scientific name and common name
    demodex; demodectic mange
  • identify this parasite by its common and scientific names; cattle or horse
    Chorioptes Bovis; leg mange mite
  • Name this pseudoparasite.
    Fungal Spores
  • if you are finding zinc sulfate crystals on slides what does this indicate?
    waited to long to read the slide/ didn't read the slide fast enough.
  • identify this parasite on swine skin
    sarcoptes scabei var suis; pig scabies
  • identify the disease process and the parasite(s) which cause this by scientific and common names.
    Ocular Larval Migrans; Toxacars canis/cati or Bayliascaris Procyonis: Roundwomrs
  • identify by common name, scientific name, identifying characteristics, etc.
    toxascaris leonia- round worm, decorticated shell, not hardy
  • fluke eggs are rarely found in flotations due to what?
    specific gravity
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as fun facts
    cimex letulais- bed bugs; only feed at night ( remember by cimex=theater= dark=night and letularis= delectable=bite
  • which tick can become established in kennel areas due to it host being all the dog.
    rhipicephalus sanguineus
  • identify this external parasite on equine by common and scientific names
    damalina (bovicola) equi; biting louse
  • identifying by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics and IH's.
    acanthocheilonema reconditum; microfilaria IH; flea, has a button hook tail and a blunt head
  • identify by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics and intermediate hosts.
    dipylidium caninum; flea; tapeworm; large and hooks in egg packets
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    Tabanus spp.; Horseflies/deer flies- large blood sucking flies
  • Name this large animal pseudoparasite.
    Paddle Spores
  • identify this external parasite for ruminants; cattle or hogs
    Haematopinus eurysternus; sucking cattle louse
  • identify by common and scientific names
    otobius megnini- spinose ear tick
  • what angle do you have your staple for a skin scrape?
    90 degree
  • identify by scientific and common names as well as identifying characteristics and intermediate hosts.
    taenia pisformls/taeniaformis; pisformls;rabbit taeniaeformis;rodent : tapeworm; hooks visible in middle
  • identify this parasite by common and scientific names
    ctenocephalides felis/canis; flea
  • identify by common and scientific name; ruminant feces high power 400x
    Emieria Bovis; Ruminant Coccidia
  • identifying by common and scientific names as well as identifying characteristics and IH's.
    dirofilaris immitis- lifestage microfilaria, heartworm, IH mosquito, has straight tail with tapered head.
  • identify by common and scientific name
    psoroptes cuniculi; rabbit ear kite
  • argus persicus or the fowl tick is a ____ tick meaning it has ______________.
    soft; no scutum
  • Soft ticks do not have a ________.
  • identify by common and scientific name; 400x
    Fasciola Hepatica; Liver Fluke
  • identify this external parasite by common and scientific names
    damalina (bovicola) Bovis; cattle biting louse
  • Identify by common and scientific names; Ruminant feces 400x
    Nematodrius Spathinger; Threadnecked strongyle
  • identify this disease process and the parasite(s) which cause this by common name and scientific name.
    Cutaneous larval migrans; ancylostoma caninum/ strongyliodes - all hookworms