
Direct and indirect objects

  • The selected game type is invalid.
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  • On the day the famous physicist retired, his colleagues sang him a song.
  • The technicians are always being asked to do favours for their customers.
  • Is there any chance you could lend your mobile phone for me?
    NO! Is there any chance you could lend your mobile phone TO me?
  • My phone tells to me the temperature inside and outside my home.
    NO! My phone tells ME the temperature inside and outside my home.
  • When was the last time you actually wrote someone a letter by hand?
  • My artist friend painted a portrait of me using only digital tools.
  • I can't believe you cooked that meal to me using only a microwave - it was really good!
    NO! I can't believe you cooked that meal FOR me using only a microwave
  • I downloaded the instruction manual my grandfather.
    NO! I downloaded the instruction manual FOR my grandfather.