
CNA Kids Playroom 4 - Unit 10

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  • Answer the invitation: "Let's visit Mexico City"
  • Unscramble the sentence: don't/too/so/expensive/I/think/it's.
    I don't think so. It's too expensive.
  • Answer the invitation: "Let's visit San Francisco"
  • A: Invite someone to travel/B: Accept or deny the invitation
  • What can we do in São Paulo?
    We can visit museums, go sightseeing or go shopping.
  • A: Invite someone to travel/B: Accept or deny the invitation
  • What can we do in Rome?
    We can visit museums or go sightseeing.
  • Unscramble the sentence: visit/next/London/let's/vacation
    Let's visit London next vacation.
  • What can we do in Salvador?
    We can go to the beach, go sightseeing or explore nature.
  • Where does she want to go on her next vacation?
    To New York.