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  • Pollutants are found in paint, glue and cleaning products. True or false?
    False. These are toxic substances
  • Name one of the habits to keep the excretory system healthy
    1. Drinking enough water
  • Name one of the habits to keep the excretory system healthy
    1. Drinking enough water. 2. Keeping our skin clean
  • What gas do we expel when we exhale?
    We expel carbon dioxyde
  • During inhalation the thorax expands. True or false?
  • The respiratory system is made up of the nose, the trachea and the blood vessels. True or false?
  • When we sweat what do we eliminate?
    Waste substances
  • When we exhale the diaphragm contracts. True or false?
    False. It relaxes
  • We expel urine through this tube....
    The urethra
  • The bronchi are two spongy and elastic organs. True or False?
    False. It's the lungs
  • This tube connects the nose and the lungs
    The trachea
  • The kidneys filter blood. True or false?
  • What is the name of the organ where the urine is kept?
    The bladder