
LSB1 U5L1 4A

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  • What natural disaster have you experienced?
    I have experienced _______.
  • The first was ______ by people.
  • What should you do during an earthquake?
    I should ______ during an earthquake.
  • How does the worst natural disaster destroy things?
    It destroys things by _______.
  • What should you do during a forest fire?
    I should _______ during a forest fire.
  • How does your country prepare for natural disasters?
    My country prepares by __________.
  • What natural disaster can destroy the most buildings?
    ______ can destroy the most buildings.
  • What should you do during a tornado?
    I should ________ during a tornado.
  • An earthquake is a terrible ______ ________.
    natural disaster
  • What can you do to stay safe during a natural disaster?
    During a natural disaster, I can _______.
  • What is the worst natural disaster?
    I think the worst natural disaster is _______.
  • What should you do during a volcano eruption?
    I should ______ during a volcano eruption.
  • What should you do during an avalanche?
    I should _________ during an avalanche.
  • How can you prepare for the worst natural disaster?
    I can prepare for this disaster by_______.
  • The wind _______ the tree outside.
  • What natural disasters do you know? (Name 4)
    I know ______.
  • What should you do during a flood?
    I should _______ during a flood.
  • Please _______ for the tornado.
  • What should you do during the worst natural disaster?
    During this disaster, you should ______.