
UKA grade 9 science

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  • In ideal conditions how quickly can bacteria reproduce?
    20 minutes
  • What is a pathogen?
    Harmful microorganism
  • What was the name of the book Charles Darwin published in 1859?
    On the Origin of Species
  • Do white or red blood cells make antibodies?
  • Name 2 examples of genetic engineering
    Answers vary eg. Bacteria for insulin, frost resistent Tomatoes, Glowing fish
  • Name 3 side effects of immunisation
    Answers vary eg. temperature, sickness, swollen glands, small lump at injection site, headaches
  • What are 2 advantages of cloning plants?
    produced quickly, it is cheap, all identical and share desired characteristics
  • When cells reproduce and DNA are damaged and broken...what are these damaged and broken DNA called?
  • Does selective breeding increase or decrease variation within a species?
  • Who discovered the first antibiotic?
    Alexander Fleming
  • What was the name of the first cloned sheep?
  • How many DNA bases ar there?
  • Name 2 of the 4 DNA bases
    A (Adenine), T (Thymine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine)
  • Name 2 products made by fermentation
    Answers vary eg. bread, wine, beer
  • Types of bacteria that penicillin no longer kills are know as what?
    Antibiotic resistant or superbugs
  • What is the word equation for fermentation?
    Glucose > ethanol + carbon dioxide
  • What are the milk solids called in cheese making and what is the liquid called?
    Curd and Whey
  • Who invented the first Vaccine
    Edward Jenner
  • Name 2 ways scientists are trying to prevent extinction
    Conservation, Captive Breeding, Seed Banks and Cloning
  • What is the process of heating milk to kill harmful bacteria called?
  • What animal did Charles Darwin study on The Galapagos Islands that started his theory on evolution?
    Finches (later snails in Hawaii)
  • Give 2 examples of the use of enzymes
    Making baby food, Removing stains, Extracting juice from fruit
  • How many recessive alleles do you need for the characteristic to be expressed?
  • Give 2 examples of plants that reproduce asexually
    Answers vary eg. potatoes, strawberries, Spider plants, succulents
  • Different forms of the same gene are called?