
Speak Out Elementary - Transportation

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  • How do you go to school when you are in a hurry?
    own answer
  • What country is a...........from?
  • What do you do when you see an old person on a bus?
    stand up
  • How far is a bus station from your school?
    own answer
  • What a strange means of transport do you know?
    own answer
  • Who has the longest way to school from your class?
    own answer
  • from? are Where you
    Where are you from?
  • travel I  by ...usually 
    I usually travel by....
  •  a bus sometimes ? to school? Do take you
    Do you sometimes take a bus to school?
  • do you by train? Where  travel
    Where do you travel by train?
  • Name 10 means of transport
    car, bus, morobike, boat, ship, double decker, rickshaw, bike, aeroplane
  • is a What rickshaw?
    What is a rickshaw? It´ s a type of bicycle.
  • Who has the shortest way to school from your class?
    own answer
  • ... is romantic.
    Riding a horse
  • the fastest What is means of transport?
    What means of transport is the fastest?
  • I like travelling by ...
    own answer
  • Why do people use a taxi?
    own answer
  • Is there a your city?
    double decker
  • Is it popular to ride a horse in your country?
    own answer
  • school? to get How long it take you to does
    How long does it take you to get to school?
  • When you go to the supermarket, do you go on foot, by bus or use another type of transport?
    own answer
  • I don´t like travelling by ...
    own answer
  • What means of transport are there in your city?
    own answer
  • What side of the road do the people drive in your country?
    own answer
  • Where is ........ from?
    double decker / England
  • is What the slowest means of transport?
    What means of transport is the slowest?
  • decker? is a What double
    What is a double decker? It´s a bus with 2 floors.
  • you to school? sometimes walk Do
    Do you sometimes walk to school?
  • do you going Why by car?like 
    Why do you like going by car?
  • Is it popular to ride a bike in your country?
    own answer
  • do bike? you ride your When
    When do you ride your bike?
  • to school? do you travel Who with
    Who do you travel with to school?
  • go to your teacher How does school?
    How does your teacher go to school?/own answer
  • to school travel I always by ....
    I always travel to school by ......
  • Where is a ............from?
    rickshaw/ Indida
  • Are the roads good in your country?
    own answer