
UKA grade 8 Science

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  • Name the 2 elements that are liquids in the periodic table
    Bromine and Mercury
  • Do non - metals have high or low melitng points?
  • What did Dimitri Mendeleev invent?
    The periodic table
  • Are metal oxides basic or acidic?
    Basic (They dissolve in water to make an alkaline solution)
  • Are metals good conductors of electricity?
    Yes, they are
  • true or false - group 1 elements react vigorously to water?
  • Are the noble gases reactive?
    No, they aren't
  • Name 2 gases at room temperature
    Answers vary eg. oxygen, hydrogen, helium, neon
  • Are metals good conductors of heat?
    Yes, they are
  • Is helium a noble gas?
    Yes, it is
  • What are the group 0 elements usually called?
    Noble gases
  • What are the horizontal rows called in the periodic table?
  • Is oxygen a noble gas?
    No, it isn't. It is in group 6 not group 0
  • Are non -metal oxides basic or acidic?
  • Do metals have high or low melitng points?
  • What state are the orange squares in this periodic table?
  • What are the vertical columns called in the periodic table?
  • Name 3 metals
    answers vary, eg. gold, silver, magnesium, iron
  • What state are the blue squares in this periodic table?
  • Going down group 7 elements, do the melting points increase or decrease?
  • What state are the red squares in this periodic table?
  • What are 3 properties of metals?
    High melting points, Good conductors, Shiny, High density
  • What are 3 properties of non - metals?
    Poor conductors, In solid state, Dull and Brittle, Low melting points
  • Going down group 7 elements, do the boiling points increase or decrease?