
UKA Grade 3 Science

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  • What are they?
    They're pebbles
  • What is it?
    It's sand
  • What is it?
    It's soil
  • What is it?
    A rock
  • What is it?
    It's concrete
  • What is it?
    It's a flower
  • What happens when you don't water a plant?
    It wilts (then dies).
  • What is it?
    It's water
  • What are they?
    They're seeds
  • What is it?
  • What is it?
    It's pollen
  • What is it?
    A fossil
  • What is it?
    It's a leaf
  • What is it?
    It's clay
  • Sedimentary, Igneous or Metamorphic
    Igneous (granite)
  • What is it?
    It's glass
  • What is it?
    It's a trunk
  • What happens if a plant has no sunlight?
    It has yellow / light green leaves and grows long and thin looking for light
  • What is it?
    It's a weed
  • What is it?
  • What is it?
    It's plastic
  • What is it?
    It's a stem
  • What is it?
    It's a volcano
  • What is it?
    It's metal