
The Locomotor System

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  • When the muscle _____, the bones return to their original position.
  • Describe the Flexing Movement
    The biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes. The biceps pulls the radius, so the arm bends at the elbow.
  • What happens when a muscle receives an order?
    It contracts and pulls the bones attached to it
  • What is an example of an antagonistic pair of muscles?
    Biceps and triceps
  • Describe the Extending Movements
    The biceps relaxes and the triceps contacts. The triceps pulls the ulna, so the arm straightens.
  • The locomotor system receives orders from the ____ and ________.
    Brain and spinal cord
  • What makes up the locomotor system?
    The skeletal system and skeletal muscles
  • Muscles that work in pairs are called _____.
  • The locomotor system works with the ______ to move the body.