
All about whales!

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  • Name an example of a toothed whale.
    Beaked whales, killer whales, Baiji, Amazon River dolphin
  • What do you call a male whale? A- cow B- bull C-bulldozer D-maeve
    B! (I made up D)
  • How many groups are there for whales? A- 3 B-2 C-5
  • Do whales lay eggs?
  • What are the two main groups of whales?
    Baleen and toothed whales
  • Name an example of a Baleen whale.
    Humpback whale, blue whail, gray whale, minke whale, etc.
  • True or false? Killer Whales are dolphins.
  • How would a whale sleep? Do they sleep while swimming?
    They sleep either vertically or horizontally and they do sleep while swimming
  • Male humback whales sing complex songs. True or false?
  • What is a baby whale called? A- cow B- calf C- kid
  • Is a Narwhal a type of whale?
  • Free Points!
  • How heavy are whales? (closest answer wins and think about tons)
    about 200 tons!
  • True or false? Do whales breathe air.
  • Free Points
  • Whales are not fast swimmers. True or false?
    False! They are fast swimmers even while they are big!
  • How long do humpback whales don't eat? A- for 2 weeks B- for 5 months C- for up to most of the year
  • What happens if a whale sleeps?
    They start to drown so they have to remain alert by shutting down half of their brain.
  • Are whales mammals or fish?
  • Free Points!!!
  • What do you call a group of whales? A- pods B- school
  • What is the fluke of the whale? A- the head B- the tail C- the fins