
Ada di kota apa?

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  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Patung Ikan Sura dan Buaya-Surabaya
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Patung Tuhan Yesus Memberkati-Manado
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Tugu Nol Kilometer-Aceh
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Gong Perdamaian-Ambon
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Gedung Sate-Bandung
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Jembatan Ampera-Palembang
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Tugu Khatulistiwa-Pontianak
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Patung Pancoran-Jakarta
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Jam Gadang- Bukit Tinggi
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Tugu Kujang-Bogor
  • What is the name of this landmark and where is it located?
    Candi Borobudur- Magelang