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  • Where is Rosé?
    She's on the bed.
  • How many people are there in this photo?
    There are four people (in this photo).
  • What color is her shirt?
    It's green.
  • What has she got?
    She's got a phone.
  • What does Jisoo look like?
    She's tall and pretty.
  • Where is the phone?
    It is next to Jennie.
  • Where are the swans?
    They are behind Jennie.
  • What are they doing?
    They are dancing/They're dancing.
  • Has she got the cookie?
    No, she hasn't.
  • What is that?
    That is a parrot (bird).
  • Has she got the camera?
    Yes, she has.
  • What is she doing?
    She is reading/ She's reading.