
Past Simple + Past Perfect

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  • After (they visited Golden Mountain) , (they went to eat Pad Thai)
    After they had visited Golden Mountain, they went to eat Pad Thai.
  • (The thief got into the house) because (you did not lock) the door.
    The thief got into the house because you hadn't locked the door.
  • (They lived in London) before (they moved to Thailand)?
    Had they lived in London before they moved to Thailand?
  • Before (they started the party) , ( they invited some friends)
    Before they started the party, they had invited some friends.
  • After (Columbus discovered America) , ( he returned to Spain)
    After Columbus had discovered America returned to Spain.
  • (Cindy washed the dishes) when (her mum came home)
    Cindy had washed the dishes when her mum came home.
  • (We ate at a restaurant last night) because (I did not buy anything for dinner)
    We ate at a restaurant last night because I hadn’t buy anything for dinner.
  • (Jim quickly copied the homework) that (he did not do it.)
    Jim quickly copied the homework that he hadn’t done it.
  • After (he worked very hard) , (he became ill)
    After he had worked very hard, he became ill.
  • (When I got to the airport.) I discovered (I forgot my passport.)
    When I got to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport.
  • (you ate anything) before (you went to the cinema) ?
    Had you eaten anything before you went to the cinema?
  • Before (they moved Pattaya) , (they sold everything)
    Before they moved to Pattaya, they had sold everything.
  • (they booked a room) before (they went to Egypt) ?
    Had they booked a room before they went to Egypt?
  • (She opened the box) after (she found the key)
    She opened the box after she had found the key.
  • (It did not rain all summer) so (the grass was dead)
    It hadn’t rained all summer so the grass was dead.
  • When (Julie got home from her holiday, the flat was a mess), (John had a party)
    When Julie got home from her holiday, the room was a mess, John had had a party.
  • (They asked me which animals) (I saw in China)
    They asked me which animals I had seen in China.
  • (We lost the match) because (we did not practice the days before)
    We lost the match because we hadn’t practiced the days before.