
Miscellaneous Questions #1

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  • Are words that rhyme spelled alike or do they end with the same sound?
    They end with the same sound. (Ex: map and cap)
  • What words in this title need capital letters: the story of helen keller?
    The, Story, Helen, Keller (Capitalize the first and all important words in a title.)
  • Dinner began at 7:30pm and lasted an hour and a half. What time did dinner end?
  • Is this number odd or even: 400
  • In the game volleyball, do players hit the ball over the net or under the net?
    over the net
  • In the sentence "I like apples," is "apples" a noun or a pronoun?
  • Say these words in alphabetical order: father, mother, uncle, aunt.
    aunt, father, mother, uncle
  • Say all the alphabet letters between "p" and "v" in the proper order.
    q, r, s, t, u
  • Round the number 89 to the nearest 10.
  • It's 12:15. What time will it be in 1 hour?
    1:15 (or a quarter past one)
  • What two even numbers come after 35 and before 40?
    36, 38
  • Which word means "low prices": sail or sale?
  • Does every proper noun begin with a small letter or a capital letter?
    a capital letter
  • What are the antonyms in this question: "Shall we play indoors or outdoors?"
    indoors, outdoors
  • Correct this sentence: "I washed all the dish."
    "I washed all the dishes."
  • Put these in order from smallest to largest: lake, pond, ocean, puddle.
    puddle, pond, lake, ocean
  • What do you call the place where your arm connects with your body?
    the shoulder
  • Turn the word "inch" into a word for a part of your face.
  • Spell the two different words that sound like the number 2.
    t-o (to) and t-o-o (too)
  • Which two words mean about the same: short, thin, skinny, thick?
    thin, skinny
  • On what part of your body would you wear a bracelet?
    your wrist
  • Correct the verb in this sentence: "We paint our house last summer."
    "We painted our house last summer."
  • Which doesn't belong in this word family: rainy, rainbow, rag, raining?
  • Find the mistake: "Andy and I was late for the party."
    The verb is wrong. It should be "Andy and I were late for the party."