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  • List 4 things that go on a resume
    name, address, phone, email, schooling, previous jobs, volunteering, sports, awards, etc.
  • Name 4 common questions/prompts asked in an interview
    tell me about yourself, what are your strengths/weaknesses, why should we hire you, why would you like to work with us, etc.
  • What does ACP stand for?
    Academic and Career Planning
  • Name 5 of the 16 career clusters (you just did an activity about these!)
    Ag., Law, Manufact., Marketing, STEM, Transportation, Hospitality, IT, Construction, Human Services, Arts, Business, Education, Finance, Govt, Health Science,
  • Name 5 of the multiple intelligences (learned in 6th grade)
    people, self, picture, word, bodily kinesthetic, music, art, nature
  • Name 5 of the ACP activities you have done in the past
    Shark tank, Norse Talks, practice interview, practice emails, matchmakers, career cluster activities, multiple intelligence survey's, learning style survey, etc
  • Name 3 things you can do after you leave high school other than going to college
    Military, workforce, apprenticeship, tech school, etc.
  • Why do we do ACP "stuff"?
    To explore what you would like to do in the future, to help you understand yourself better and it is the law for 6-12th grade
  • Name 3 things typically needed to apply for a job
    Resume, cover letter, references, completed company job application,
  • Name the 3 different learning styles as learned in 6th grade
    Visual, Auditory and Bodily-Kinesthetic