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  • Events of the future? provide some examples of recent trends in events industry?
    Adoption of mobile apps growing exponentially (Pick, 2019) Business events often showcase use of AR Speed Networking (Sherman, 2015; SpeedNetworking, 2018
  • What drives Sustainable behaviour?
    -Prevent more onerous regulation 2- Exploit a growing market/opportunity 3-Enhance the social licence
  • Nature of contemporary Tourism consists of three elements, what are these elements?
    Consumption, Experience product and Production
  • How does tourism contribute to climate change?
    Tourism alone is responsible for 8% of the world's carbon emissions. Tourism is responsible for damaging practices
  • Explain footloose in tourism sustainability ?
    Open answer
  • Industry Specific Challenges - How is Tourism special?
  • List the three elements of the Triple Bottom Line
    People, planet and profits
  • Are ecotourism and sustainable tourism the same thing? How are they alike? How are they different?
    open answer
  • What does Sustainability mean to you?
    Sustainable practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability presumes that resources are finite...
  • CFP Vs CSR, What’s the relationship between these two metrics?
    CFP is the financial success of a firm, its turnover, size, profitability and growth. CSR is the term used to describe the activities of a firm that relate to
  • Why robots are useful for hospitality operations?
    (More robots = fewer staff = lower costs = more profit!) robots work 24 hours a day.
  • How do ”super sabbaticals” differ from traditional holidays?
    Duration, Budget, Destination, purpose
  • List 3 of basic principles of sustainability?
    Look at the photo
  • 90% of tourism business are SME? True or False
  • What’s the motivation for businesses to engage with CSR?
    Eco-efficiency,Legitimization,Competitive Advantage
  • What is smart Tourism? list the three smart tourism layers identified by Gretzel et al, 2015
    Look at the photo
  • What is the deference between virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
    open answer
  • There are several global players that are responsible to promote sustainable tourism, provide 2 global organizations?