
P100: Latin terminology

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  • Habeas corpus
    "May you have the body" Challenges the legality of detention (protection against illegal detention)
  • ex post facto
    After the fact (law that is retroactive)
  • "mens rea"
    The guilty mind
  • Give an example of a "mala prohibita" crime
    Prostitution, drugs or weapons charges, speeding,
  • Lex talionis
    An eye for an eye
  • Give an example of a "mala en se" crime
    Rape, stealing, murder
  • Actus reus
    The guilty act
  • The guilty act
    Actus reus
  • Mala prohibita
  • locus delicti
    Scene of the crime
  • Corpus delicti
    The body of crime (composed of actus reus, crime must have occurred)
  • Stare decisis
    Let the decision stand (precedents)
  • Mala en se
    Evil unto itself
  • The guilty mind
    Mens rea
  • An eye for an eye
    Lex talionis