
Speaking up for Yourself/Wants Vs. Needs

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  • Some basic needs of ____ are: Healthy food, clean water, exercise, shelter and going to the vet
  • Is being able to get medicine when you are sick a want or a need?
    NEED! You need proper care when you are sick for your health. You might need rest, or need to see a doctor too.
  • Everyone should be treated with respect TRUE OR FALSE?
    TRUE. Everyone has a right to be treated with respect
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Needs are things that are really important for everyone to live a happy and healthy life
  • Is a winter coat a NEED for a kid who lives in Hawaii?
    NO. They would NEED clothing proper to their climate. Clothing that keeps them cool and a hat.
  • Advocating for yourself means saying or asking for what you need. In other words, Advocating for yourself means standing up for y______
  • WANT OR NEED? Fruits and Vegetables
    NEED. People need healthy food to live well.
  • Eating your favorite food every night for dinner is a need TRUE OR FALSE?
    FALSE. Eating something healthy for dinner is a need, but it doesn't have to be your favourite food every night
  • Standing up for yourself means getting up from a chair all by yourself (TRUE OR FALSE)
    FALSE! Standing up for yourself is telling someone when you feel upset, when something is unfair to you or telling people what you need
  • What are some basic needs of plants?
    Soil or dirt, sunlight, water
  • Fancy plant pot with gold and diamonds is a basic need of plants (TRUE OR FALSE)
  • What are some basic needs of human beings?
    Food, clothing, shelter, safety, clean water