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  • What is a waxy covering, helps protect baby’s skin in the womb
  • What theorist believes babies learn through their senses & their own actions?
  • Children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care & affection If needs are not met, this will lead to __________ & insecure attachment
  • What test is done at 1 minute & then again 5 minutes after delivery tests, and tests the ability to adapt to & thrive in life outside of uterus
    APGAR Test
  • What causes baby’s skin & eyes to look slightly yellow?
  • True or False: Newborns cannot taste and smell at birth
  • Results from separation from a parent/caregiver or sentimental item
    Separation Anxiety
  • Children under ___ should avoid toys that are small or have small parts that can be swallowed and cause choking
  • When the baby’s cheek is stroked, the baby will turn towards the side of his/her face that was stroked
    Rooting Reflex
  • What is soft downy hair that may cover the baby’s face and body
  • What does SBS stand for?
    Shaken Baby Syndrome
  • When does emotional development begin?
    The DAY the child is born
  • True or False: Newborn’s see best 8-12 inches from their face
  • Sponge baths until ____________________ falls off and heals
    Umbilical Cord
  • What activity did we do to demonstrate Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage?
    Sensory Bags
  • True or False: A baby's head may appear too small for its body
  • What is babbling?
    Baby talk, repeated syllables over and over without specific meaning
  • True or False: Eye color changes as the baby gets older
  • GENERAL RULE: if it fits in a ___________________, it is too small for them.
    toilet paper tube
  • What is it called when the baby is born more than 3 weeks before the baby is due?
    Premature birth
  • What does SIDS stand for?
    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • True or False: You can introduce solid foods around 6 months of age
  • What is the process called when the foreskin on the penis is removed?
  • The safest place for a car seat is
    in the center of the back seat of the car.
  • What do newborns prefer to look and interact with?
    The human face
  • When the baby pushes themself around on their stomach: Creeping or crusing?
  • What can happen to the baby's head during delivery when it goes through the birth canal?
    -may be elongated or misshapen,
  • Children begin self-feeding at about __________ months
  • What test is done at 1 minute & then again 5 minutes after delivery
  • Average full term baby weighs
    7-8 Lbs
  • What is plugged oil glands over baby’s forehead, nose and cheeks (“whiteheads”) that will go away in several weeks
  • Where should you place all poisonous substances and medications
    high on a shelf and locked up
  • When an item is placed in the palm of the hand, the baby’s fingers will grab around it
    Grasping Reflex
  • sitting back and watching others playing as if observing them or waiting for your turn to participate in the activity (Ex: Duck, Duck, Goose)
    Onlooker Play
  • Tell me 3 ways you can comfort a crying baby
  • playing alone or engaged in activities that only need one person
    Solitary Play
  • a child’s brain can __________ in size the first 2 years of life
  • When introducing foods, Introduce 1 new food at a time to identify _________________
    Allergies, allergic reactions
  • when someone comes to visit and the child cries or appears to be afraid of them
    Stranger Anxiety
  • True or False: it is important to bathe babies every day
  • Toys should engage many __________ at one time
  • As babies drink they swallow air It can be uncomfortable for them, so they need to be _____________ at the middle and end of feedings
  • What is childproofing?
    so that child is protected from possible dangers & has freedom to explore without risk of encountering hazardous objects or substances
  • stimulated by loud noise or sudden movement such as when the arms are held & then suddenly released, causes baby to throw their legs & arms out with clenched fists
    Moro Reflex
  • List three possible long-term outcomes for SBS survivors.
    Permanent blindness, Hearing impairment, Cerebral palsy, Paralysis, Coma, Impaired motor skills ,Seizures, Severe brain damage, Learning disabilities
  • What is one benefit to breastfeeding?
    Can be any: Bonding, free, always ready, mother's immunities are passed, decrease risk of cancer and diabetes
  • Children under ____ should not sit in a seat where there is an airbag, even if the car can manually turn off the airbag.
  • List three injuries that can be caused by violent shaking.
    Brain bleeding Eye bleeding Brain swelling
  • knowing an object still exist even when it is out of sight
    Object Permanence