
Active voice and passive voice

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  • Find out the passive voice -(The hunter has caught a deer)?
    A deer has been caught by the hunter.
  • Find out the correct passive voice -(Hariharan writes a poem)?
    A poem is written by Hariharan.
  • Find out the passive voice -(Sujitha will sing a song)?
    A song will be sung by Sujitha.
  • Find out the passive voice -(The Teacher asks Questions)?
    Questions are asked by the Teacher
  • Find out the passive voice -(The cat is chasing the rat)?
    The rat is being chased by the Cat .
  • Find out the passive voice -(Raghu had made a paper boat)?
    A paper boat had been made by Raghu.
  • Find out the passive voice -(He is painting the house)?
    The house is being painted by him
  • Find out the passive voice -(Sumathi has sent a parcel)?
    A parcel has been sent by Sumathi.
  • Find out the passive voice -(Farmers produce vegetables)?
    Vegetables are produced by Farmers.
  • Find out the passive voice -(Latha prepares tea)?
    Tea is prepared by Latha.
  • Find out the passive voice -(The cat drank the Milk)?
    The Milk was drunk by the Cat.
  • Find out the passive voice -(He had bought a necklace)?
    A necklace had been bought by him.
  • Find out the passive voice -(Chinese eat frogs)?
    Frogs are eaten by Chinese.
  • Find out the correct passive voice -(He plays cricket)?
    Cricket is played by him.
  • Find out the passive voice-(My mom has made a cake)?
    A cake has been made by my Mom .
  • Find out the passive voice -(Mano sells Televisions)?
    Televisions are sold by Mano