
Accommodation and past simple

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  • in / you / Bahamas / that / book / hotel / did / ?
    Did you book that hotel in Bahamas?
  • Ask a question using HOTEL and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Write a sentence on the board using this type of accommodation and Past Simple
    open answer
  • Write a sentence on the board using COUCHSURFING and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Say a sentence using CAMPING and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Ask a question using CHALET and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Ask a question using this type of accomodation and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs WEAR - SPEND - DRINK
    wore - spent - drank
  • What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs MAKE - BE - UNDERSTAND
    made - was/were - understood
  • Write a question on the board using BED & BREAKFAST and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Say a sentence with AIRPORT and GATE using Past Simple.
    open answer
  • hotels / when she / five-star / opted / traveled / Jane / for
    Jane opted for five-star hotels when she traveled.
  • Ask a question using this type of accommodation and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs BOOK - GO - BUY
    booked - went - bought
  • make / night / for / for / four / a / I'd like / Friday / people / to / reservation
    I'd like to make a reservation for four people for Friday night.
  • What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs EAT - TRY - PAY
    ate - tried - paid
  • What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs SLEEP - SAY - GIVE
    slept - said - gave
  • tour / you / in / food / long / did / that / how / stay / ?
    How long did you stay in that food tour?
  • types / did / of / what / recommend / you / accommodations / ?
    What types of accommodations did you recommend?
  • Write a question on the board using INN and Past Simple.
    open answer
  • Write a question on the board using this type of accommodation and Past Simple
    open answer