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  • Where do you work?
    I work for an . . . . .
  • How big is the company?
    There are . . . . .
  • What business are you in?
    It’s hospitality
  • It’s pharmaceuticals
    What business are you in?
  • Where is the headquarters?
    It’s in . . . . .
  • I work for an oil company in Indramayu.
    Where do you work?
  • We manufacture electronic appliances.
    What does your company produce?
  • • What’s the company’s core business?
    It’s a . . . . .
  • Could you fill me in a bit about it?
    It's a . . . . .
  • Can you tell me more about it?
    Sure. It provides . . . . .
  • What does your company produce?
    We manufacture . . . . .