
Australians At War: Quiz for Year 9 History

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  • What year did WWI begin?
  • Would letters from soldiers on the front be considered a primary or secondary source for studying what life was like in the trenches?
  • Could this be considered a primary source for studying trench warfare in WWI?
    No, this is from Blackadder.
  • Name one common argument in support of conscription.
    Australia's "duty", reputation, "fair and equal" system, volunteers decreased, other allied countries had already started.
  • In which country was the Battle of Gallipoli?
  • Name 3 diseases that were common in the trenches on the Western Front.
    Cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever, trench foot, trench mouth, shell shock
  • Where was the first battle Australians were involved in on the Western Front?
  • What was "no man's land"?
    The area of land between allied and enemy trenches.
  • What is conscription?
    When a government mandates the enlistment of its people into military service .
  • Which country first used tanks in WWI?
    British forces
  • Who were the Allied/Entente Powers during WWI?
    France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States
  • Name one of the WWI battles Australian soldiers were involved in on the Western Front.
    Fromelles, Pozieres, the Somme, Bullecourt, Messines, Passchendaele, Villers-Bretonneux, Hamel, Amiens and Mont St Quentin
  • On this map, point to the Western Front
    Bordering Belgium/Germany and France, above Switzerland
  • What year did WWI end?
  • What were some of the issues associated with life in the trenches?
    Diseases and infections, rodents, lice, threat of attack
  • Who were the Central Powers in WWI?
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
  • What does the acronym ANZAC stand for?
    Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
  • Why do we commemorate Remembrance Day on the 11th November each year?
    It's the anniversary of the armistice (peace treaty) with Germany that ended WWI.
  • Why is ANZAC Day commemorated on the 25th April?
    That's the day the ANZACs landed on Gallipoli (in 1915)
  • True or False: Australians fought in trenches at Gallipoli.