
Maya Civilization

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  • The Maya used these symbols in fan-like books about gods called
  • In the forest, they used this technique so they had a flat surface to plant crops
    Slash and Burn
  • The most powerful men in the Maya Empire were the
  • In the Maya empire, you were born into your
    Social Status
  • Where was the Maya Civilization located?
    Yucatan Peninsula
  • In the mountains, they used this type of farming
  • The Mayans were the first civilization to come up with a symbol to represent the number
  • They used the night sky to create a
  • The Maya worshipped many what?
  • The Maya created a writing system made up symbols or
  • These buildings were located in the center of the cities.
    Step pyramids
  • What were the three crops the Mayans grew?
    Corn, Beans, Squash
  • Their number system was a base
    20 system
  • Each city-state had its own
  • Stone columns called _____ traced the mayan history of family and war
  • Name the three major Mayan cities
    Copan, Tikal, and Chichen Itza
  • There was no central government. True or False
    True - one noble family ruled each city state.
  • The Maya civilization was made up of ____. They were made up of a major city and the area around it.
    City States