
Assassin Game

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  • nǐ shuō shén mè ?
    what are you saying?
  • what time open eyes?
    shén me shí hòu zhēng yǎn ?
  • who wants to vote?
    谁(shuí) 要(yào) 投(tóu) 票(piào)?
  • Assassin vote and kill people
    刺(cì) 客(kè) 投(tóu) 票(piào) 和(he) 杀(shā) 人(rén).
  • come back no no
    bù fù huán
  • Doctor saves who at night?
    医(yī) 生(shēng) 晚(wǎn) 上(shàng) 救(jiù) 谁(shuí) ?
  • Civilian kill during daytime
    平(ping)民(min) 白(bai) 天 (tian) 杀(shā) 人(rén)
  • wind blow blow
    fēng xiāo xiāo xī
  • Civilian want to open eyes and sleep.
    平(píng) 民(mín) 想(xiang) 睁(zheng) 眼(yan) 和(he) 睡(shui) 觉 (jiao)。
  • strongman go go
    zhuàng shì yī qù xī
  • zuó tiàn wǒ zuò shěn me
    what did I do yesterday
  • Water cold cold
    yì shuǐ hán
  • wǒ yào jiù shuí ?
    I want to save who?
  • daytime save people, night time vote.
    bái tiān jiù rén, wǎn shàng tóu piào。
  • Jing Ke assassinates Emperor Qin
    荆(jīng) 轲(kē) 刺(cì) 秦(qín) 王(wáng)
  • Who do you want to kill?
    要(yao) 杀(sha) 谁 (shui)?