
Investigating plants growth

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  • Seeds like to grow in ... and ... place.
    warm, dark
  • Why plants need light?
    to make their own food
  • Most plants grow better if it is not too hot or cold. The factor is called ...
  • Parts of seed that marked checklist on the picture is ...
  • This part protect and cover the seed
    seed coat
  • We call the things that plants need to grow as ...
  • We find seeds inside ...
  • The process when seed start to grow
  • After the seed coat splits, the ... first to grow.
  • Seed grow faster in ... place.
  • Totoro found a plant with white stem and looks unhealthy. This plant does not get enough ...
  • Seed needs … and doesn’t need … to grow.
    water, light
  • Like other living things, plants also need ... to live.
  • This part of seed will give energy for seed to grow.
    Food store
  • What is the scar for?
    join the seed to the fruit
  • Plants need it, but seed doesn't need it
  • Mention 4 main parts of the seed
    seed coat, embryo, food store, scar
  • This part will grow upwards during germination
  • Part of seed that has function to protect the seed is ...
    seed coat
  • Plants need water to ... the food to all their body parts.
  • Marlo's plant grow weak and the leaves green but wilt. What should Marlo do?
    give it water
  • Seed start to grow after absorbs ...
  • Why do plants need light to grow, but seeds do not need light to germinate?
    Plants use light to make food in their leaves. Seeds have food store that they used to germinate, so they don't need light to make food.
  • Masha and her friends planted some seeds in pots of soil to germinate. They put the pots in a warm place and watered them every day. They noted the results after five days and ten days. These are their result. Which seeds germinated fastest
    chilli seed
  • Stage of the life cycle where the seed burst and grow into roots is...