
TACB3 Unit 3ab

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  • = the person who studies cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the parts of buildings and objects found in the ground = nhà khảo cổ học
    archeologist (n)
  • the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty = sự ô nhiễm
    pollution (n) 
  • = the person who works in a restaurant = phục vụ bàn
    waiter (n) 
  • = has lots of people = đông đúc
    crowded (adj) 
  • = the person who works on a ship or a boat = thủy thủ
    sailor (n) 
  • = opposite of quiet
    noisy (adj) ồn ào
  • the system of buses, trains, etc. provided by the government or by companies, which people use to travel from one place to another = phương tiện giao thông công cộng
    public transport (n) 
  • = when people eat in the middle of the day
    lunch time
  • the area without cars
    no-car zone (n)
  • a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand = vấn đề
    problem (n) 
  • = has bad air = ô nhiễm
    polluted (adj) 
  • = a public performance of music
    music concert
  • = the person who works in an office = kế toán
    accountant (n) 
  • = many people like it = = phổ biến/ nổi tiếng
    popular (adj) 
  • = opposite of old
    modern (adj)
  • = the person who works in a shop = nhân viên bán hàng
    sales assistant (n) 
  • = doesn't cost money
  • = the person who works on a plane = phi công
    pilot (n) 
  • the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time
    traffic (n)