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  • Correct the mistake: "Did you ever watch this film"?
    Have you ever watched this film?
  • Dad __(be) out shopping for two hours now -should we givehim a ring?
    Has been
  • Correct the mistake: "This is the first time I swam in the sea
    This is the first time I have swum in the sea
  • When do we use "yet"
    In negative and interrogative sentence
  • I ___(not/drink ) any beer last nignt
    I did not drink any beer last night
  • When__(you last hear)from Tom?
    Did you last hear
  • The train ___(just get)in --hurry up
    Has just got
  • Beth and I __(be) friends since we were ten and we always will be
    Have been
  • What verb tense do we normally use with "for" or "since"?
    Present perfect
  • Correct the mistake: I never saw that person in my life
    I have never seen that person in my life
  • The firs time I___(see) that film was five years ago ,but still remember it very well