
Bilbao and the Basque Country

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  • What languages are spoken in the Basque Country?
    Basque and Spanish
  • What is the most popular food in Bilbao
    Potato omelette
  • Which is the most famous museum in Bilbao?
    The Guggenhein
  • What is Aste Nagusia?
    A famous holiday in August
  • What is Puppy?
    A statue of a giant dog, made of flowers!
  • What is the name of the oldest district in Bilbao?
    Siete calles
  • How many people live in Bilbao?
    About 345, 000
  • What is the name of the basketball team in Bilbao?
    Bilbao Basket
  • Which is the best football team in the Basque Country?
    Athletic Bilbao
  • How many bridges cross the river in Bilbao?
  • What are the names of the two universities in Bilbao?
    Deusto and University of the Basque Country
  • Is Bilbao the capital of the Basque Country?
    No, Vitoria is the capital
  • What is bacalado?
    Salt cod. A typical food in Bilbao
  • How many trophies has the football team won since 1898?
  • What is the name of the river in Bilbao?